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Net neutrality at the center of debate: advantages and controversies

It is a strategy that aims to offer internet to the largest number of virtual operators from an infrastructure provider (INP), creating an equitable system with a data flow appropriate to what is previously established between the parties.

But why is net neutrality at the center of the debate?

This is a question that raises other questions and a good number of angles regarding the nature of these networks. In this sense, first of all, we must understand how they work. There is a main operator, this is “neutral”, because it allows other internet, telephone, streaming, video, teleworking, tele-education, telemedicine companies, etc., to use its physical infrastructure with a single and standard cost for these companies, which, in turn, build their own infrastructure, but without adding additional costs and excessive charges to end users.

It is a business model that benefits all parties; however, there is debate about the extent to which end users can access the latest technologies on equal terms with other geopolitical regions with greater purchasing power. An example is 5G, since the great promise of mobile telephony in Latin America has seen its expansion slowed down, not only by infrastructure, but also by economic factors and complicated negotiations between governments and telcos due to the fact that sociopolitical and economic inequalities do not allow for a homogeneous and rapid expansion.

So, we see a controversial relationship between the advantages of neutral networks and the complexity of true equality in access, which acts as one of the most worrying disadvantages. Why? Well, because this complexity in possible “equality” translates into the quality of the service provided to the final consumer, since neutral networks encourage a large consumption of broadband and data without compensation, with practically no return on investment. Of course, some companies are not going to optimize their infrastructures, for example, fiber optics, in order not to recover the real cost of that investment.

This is really the core of the debate, the quality of services and the speed of return on investment. It is obvious that, from a technological point of view, net neutrality offers extraordinary possibilities for interconnection and a robust way to expand 5G. Even from an environmental and urban planning point of view, it offers great benefits, such as less overhead cabling and fewer poles in the streets, that is, more optical fiber and less copper. Less latency and more speed, more data transmission and less traffic jams.

This implies more advantages than disadvantages, but it is necessary to have criteria to separate the nature of these, because they are not equal, not even analogous. There are technological advantages and disadvantages, and there are economic and financial ones, which is why the debate today will not stop, in fact, looking ahead to 2024, there will surely be more proposals on the table that will enrich this debate. In the meantime, net neutrality seems to be the most appropriate alternative for end users to have the greatest possible access to Internet products.

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